• +353 (0)83 8190661
  • info@npacertification.com

NPA Natural Perfumery Business Certification Standards & Accreditation

Welcome to the Natural Perfume Academy (NPA) Natural Perfumery Business Certification Standards page. 

Here, we outline our rigorous criteria for certifying businesses in the natural perfumery industry. Our certification is designed to promote ethical and sustainable practices across all levels of production and supply. Each certified business is categorized based on their adherence to our standards, marked by a color-coded system.

Certification Levels

1. Green Certification: 95-100% Natural Ethical Business

1. Green Certification: 95-100% Natural Ethical Business

NPA Green Circle Natural Perfumery Business Certification: 

This level is awarded to businesses that adhere to the highest standards of natural and ethical practices. Everything from their raw materials to their cleaning products is natural and sustainable. This certification is rare and reflects a deep commitment to environmental and ethical principles.

For: Perfumers, Suppliers, Producers

Criteria: 95-100% natural ingredients and ethical practices

2. Amber Certification: 75-95% Natural Ethical Business

NPA Amber Circle Natural Perfumery Business Certification: 

This is the most common certification level. It recognises businesses that have made significant strides towards natural and ethical practices, with more than half of their operations meeting these standards. These businesses are actively working towards increasing their natural and ethical footprint.

For: Perfumers, Suppliers, Producers

Criteria: 75-95% natural ingredients and ethical practices

3. Yellow Certification: 50-75% Natural Ethical Business

NPA Yellow Circle Natural perfumery Business Certification: 

This certification is for businesses that are in the early stages of their journey towards natural and ethical practices. They have started to incorporate natural ingredients and ethical practices into their operations and are working towards getting more of their products certified.

For: Perfumers, Suppliers, Producers

Criteria: 50-75% natural ingredients and ethical practices

Certification Process

Each business that applies for NPA certification undergoes a thorough review process to ensure compliance with our standards. Once certified, businesses receive a digital stamp that they can display on their website or products, indicating their certification level.

Certified Directory

Our directory features businesses that have met the NPA Certification Standards. Each listing is marked with a color-coded circle to indicate their certification level.

Example Listings:

Green Certified Business:

NPA Green Circle Certified Business Company Name

Description of business and their efforts to increase natural and ethical practices.

Amber Certified Business:

NPA Amber Circle Certified Business Company Name

Description of business and their efforts to increase natural and ethical practices.

Yellow Certified Business:

NPA Yellow Circle Certified Business  Company Name

Description of business and their initial steps towards natural and ethical practices.

Apply for Certification

If you are interested in certifying your business with the Natural Perfume Academy, please fill out our application form. Upon approval, you will be categorized according to our color-coded standards and added to our directory.

Certification Costs

The certification fees are nominal and primarily allocated to cover the expertise of the “nose” who certifies the products, as well as the printing of any required certificates. A small administrative fee is paid to the Natural Perfume Academy (NPA) for the use of the NPA logo on products or websites. The fee structure is based on the number of products to be certified, the nature of the business, and the business’s turnover. Fees are payable yearly or bi-yearly. Any fee increases will be minimal and only to cover rising costs, ensuring affordability. We understand the financial commitment involved in incorporating logos on marketing materials and packaging. Please note that the NPA reserves the right to refuse any applicant without stating a reason.