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The Scent of Autumn, the Spirit of Mabon and Lughnasadh

The festival of the harvest in the northern hemisphere

As we tiptoe into the twilight of August, the air begins to hum with the ancient rhythms of Mabon and Lughnasadh—those sacred thresholds between summer’s fiery abundance and autumn’s whispered promises. It’s the time when the Northern Hemisphere pulses with a rich tapestry of scents, sounds, and tastes, all woven together by the harvest’s bountiful horn of plenty, or cornucopia. 

The Bounty of the Earth and a Feast for the Senses

Imagine a table groaning under the weight of apples kissed ripe by the sun, nuts gathered in woven baskets, and pumpkins bursting with the golden hue of the season. The scent of spice—cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves—lingering in the air, mingling with the sweet, warm notes of caramel and chocolate. This years oranges, with their zesty brightness, sit beside exotic coconuts, hiding their creamy richness, both offering a taste of the exotic. It’s a gourmand’s paradise, a celebration of the earth’s generosity before we hide away into the colder months.

This is the heart of Lughnasadh, August in Irish is ‘Lunasagh’. It’s a time of balance, of giving thanks for the harvest that will see us through the winter, and of preparing for the quieter days ahead. In the old Brehon times, these festivals were marked by feasting, by the making of wines and preserves that captured the last of the summer fruits, and by the baking of cakes infused with spices—offerings to the gods and a way to savour the season’s final gifts.

Perfume Can Take Us On a Journey Through Time and Space

But what if we could bottle this moment? Perfume allows us, with a single breath, to transport ourselves through time and space, to a place where the past and present intertwine. It has the power to evoke memories, to conjure up the warmth of a hearth or the freshness of an orchard, to take us on a journey through the myth and mystery of this time of year.

INSPIRATION: Imagine a perfume that opens with the crispness of an autumn apple, its sweetness tempered by the earthiness of nuts and the warm spice of a freshly baked pie. As it develops, notes of pumpkin and caramel unfold, wrapping you in a comforting embrace, while the brightness of orange cuts through with a zesty twist. And just as you think the scent has settled, a deep whisper of chocolate and milky coconut emerges, adding depth and a touch of indulgence—like a secret treat shared under the harvest moon. 

Myths, Superstitions, and the Spirit of the Autumn or Fall

In Irish legend, this time of year is ripe with myths and superstitions. The old tales speak of the Tuatha Dé Danann, the ancient gods who walked the earth, and of the Sí, the fairy folk, who are said to be especially active as the veil between worlds grows thin. It’s a time when the natural world and the supernatural are closest, and when offerings of food and drink are left at crossroads and under trees to appease the spirits and ensure a bountiful harvest.

The Celts believed that the act of preparing food—baking those spiced cakes, fermenting that wine—was itself a kind of magic, a way of preserving not just the harvest but also the essence of the season. The scent of these creations was as important as the taste, a sensory connection to the land and its cycles, and a reminder that we, too, are part of the great wheel of the year.

As we approach the turning point from Mabon to Halloween, these traditions remind us that the seasons are not just markers of time, but of experience and memory. The scents of autumn—of apples, spices, nuts, and caramel—are more than just fragrances. They are the very essence of the season, carrying with them the stories, the rituals, and the magic of our ancestors.

Embrace the Season: A Call to Savor the Moment

So, as you prepare to welcome autumn, take a moment to breathe in the scents around you. Let the perfume of the season transport you, connect you to the earth, and remind you of the age-old traditions that have brought us to this point. Whether you’re creating a new fragrance, baking a spiced cake, or simply savoring the aroma of a crisp apple, know that you’re part of something much larger—an unbroken chain of harvests, celebrations, and memories that stretch back through time.

This is the magic of Mabon and Lughnasadh, and this is the power of scent: to ground us in the present while connecting us to the past, to nourish our bodies and our souls, and to remind us that, no matter the season, there is always something to be thankful for.

So light a candle, take a deep breath, and let the scents of the season guide you on your journey.

Slán agus beannacht.

Whether you’re a perfumer, a lover of fragrance, or simply someone who appreciates the beauty of the natural world, now is the perfect time to explore the rich, evocative scents of autumn.

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