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FAQ – NPA Natural Perfumery Business Certification

FAQ - NPA Natural Perfumery Business Certification

Frequently Asked Questions About NPA Natural Perfumery Business Certification

NPA Natural Perfumery Business Certification is a designed to uphold and recognise high standards in the field of natural perfumery. Here are the key details:

  1. Certification Standards:

    • We have established comprehensive standards that businesses and individuals must meet to achieve certification. You can find NPA Business Certification Program here.
  2. Application Process:

    • You can apply for certification through our NPA Business Certification Program in one of three categories: as an individual natural perfumer, as a business, or for a specific perfume. The application involves completing this course with a minimum grade of 51% and providing detailed information about your practices and products.
  3. Assessment:

    • Your application will be evaluated based on the your score in the NPA Business Certification Program. For businesses, the assessment focuses on ethical practices and adherence to natural perfumery standards. For individual perfumes, the evaluation is conducted by experienced natural perfumery experts, such as Justine (USA/Canada), Ane (Brazil), Holly (Australia), and Ruth (Europe).
  4. Certification Benefits:

    • If awarded the certification, you will receive a certification badge that you can display on your website or product packaging. This badge signifies your commitment to high standards in natural perfumery.
  5. Cost:

    • Certification is free for graduates of our courses. The only requirement is that you place a link back to our website on your own. NPA Graduates: Please contact info@npacertification.com to apply for NPA Business Accreditation.
  6. NPA Business and Natural Perfumery Certificate Program:

    • This short program will guide businesses through the ethics and standards of natural perfumery. The goal is to ensure that all certified entities have a thorough understanding of natural perfumery principles and practices.

For any further questions or detailed information, please feel free to contact us. We are committed to supporting the growth and integrity of the natural perfumery community.

No, you don’t have to exclusively use natural materials to get certified. We offer different levels of certification based on the percentage of natural and ethical practices incorporated into your business. Here are the certification levels:

  1. Green Certification: 95-100% Natural Ethical Business

    NPA Green Circle Business Certification:

    This level is awarded to businesses that adhere to the highest standards of natural and ethical practices. Everything from their raw materials to their cleaning products is natural and sustainable. This certification is rare and reflects a deep commitment to environmental and ethical principles.

    • For: Perfumers, Suppliers, Producers
    • Criteria: 95-100% natural ingredients and ethical practices
  2. Amber Certification: 75-95% Natural Ethical Business

    NPA Amber Circle Business Certification:

    This is the most common certification level. It recognizes businesses that have made significant strides towards natural and ethical practices, with more than half of their operations meeting these standards. These businesses are actively working towards increasing their natural and ethical footprint.

    • For: Perfumers, Suppliers, Producers
    • Criteria: 75-95% natural ingredients and ethical practices
  3. Yellow Certification: 50-75% Natural Ethical Business

    NPA Yellow Circle Business Certification:

    This certification is for businesses that are in the early stages of their journey towards natural and ethical practices. They have started to incorporate natural ingredients and ethical practices into their operations and are working towards getting more of their products certified.

    • For: Perfumers, Suppliers, Producers
    • Criteria: 50-75% natural ingredients and ethical practices

Certification Process: Each business that applies for NPA certification undergoes a thorough review process to ensure compliance with our standards. Once certified, businesses receive a digital stamp that they can display on their website or products, indicating their certification level.

Certified Directory: Our directory features businesses that have met the NPA Certification Standards. Each listing is marked with a color-coded circle to indicate their certification level.

  • Green Certified Business:

    • NPA Green Circle Certified Business Company Name
    • Description of business and their efforts to increase natural and ethical practices.
  • Amber Certified Business:

    • NPA Amber Circle Certified Business Company Name
    • Description of business and their efforts to increase natural and ethical practices.
  • Yellow Certified Business:

    • NPA Yellow Circle Certified Business Company Name
    • Description of business and their initial steps towards natural and ethical practices.

Apply for Certification: If you are interested in certifying your business with the Natural Perfume Academy, please enrol in our NPA Business Certification Program here. Upon completion, you will be awarded a certificate according to our color-coded standards and added to our directory, provided you pass the course with a score of over 50%

Transparency and Honesty: We emphasise the importance of honesty in your application. Based on your responses, you will be awarded either a yellow, amber, or green badge according to our standards. Any fees will be based on your responses, and you will receive a quotation for your certification. You can choose to accept or decline the offered certification.

Our goal is to promote transparency for customers and perfumers, and to award those who are making significant efforts towards ethical practices. The green badge is particularly challenging to obtain, reflecting a high level of commitment to natural and ethical standards.

For Non-NPA Graduates: the NPA Business Certification Program is currently on special offer of €150.00. This includes the cost of the certificate and license for one year from date of course completion.

For NPA Graduates: NPA Business Lifetime Business Accreditation is included in the Diploma Certificate. 

Additional Costs: The  additional “specific perfume” certification fees are primarily allocated to cover the expertise of the “nose” who certifies the products, as well as the printing of any required certificates. This fee is payable to all applicants in the specific perfume category, however NPA – Graduates may submit their finals for free “specific perfume” certification. 

Yearly Business Licensing Fee: A small administrative fee is paid to the Natural Perfume Academy (NPA) for the use of the NPA logo on products or websites. The fee structure is based on the number of products to be certified, the nature of the business, and the business’s turnover. Fees are payable yearly or bi-yearly. Any fee increases will be minimal and only to cover rising costs, ensuring affordability. We understand the financial commitment involved in incorporating logos on marketing materials and packaging. Please note that the NPA reserves the right to refuse any applicant without stating a reason. 

  1. Curriculum for Individual Perfumers
  2. Curriculum for Natural Perfume Certification
  3. Curriculum for Business Certification

Each Certification Curriculum is tailored to meet specific needs within the natural perfumery industry. If you are an individual natural perfumer crafting your own perfumes and wish to certify your expertise and practices, the Curriculum for Individual Natural Perfumers is ideal for you. This program focuses on the artisans themselves, providing certification for the natural perfumer, verifying their ethical practices. For those looking to certify natural perfumes, the Curriculum for Natural Perfume Certification allows you to obtain a certificate for a specific perfume.

On the other hand, if you operate a business that deals with the broader aspects of perfumery such as distribution or supplying ingredients, the Curriculum for Business Certification is designed for you. This curriculum ensures your business practices meet our rigorous standards of ethics and sustainability, ideal for suppliers or businesses that sell a range of items, with the option to certify individual products as natural.

For NPA diploma course graduates, if you have completed the NPA diploma, you can directly apply for the perfumer certification.

Holding a Green Certification indicates that all perfumes and practices meet our green standards. If you receive a lower level of perfumer or business certification, for example, Amber or Yellow Certification, you may still apply for individual perfume certifications for those perfumes that are fully natural.

Each program is designed to validate your dedication to natural perfumery and ethical business practices, helping you stand out in the competitive market. Consider your role within the industry—whether you are formulating, selling, or supplying—and choose the certification that best aligns with your professional activities and goals.

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